Collins Demonstration Forest Burn

OSU’s Collins Demonstration Forest in Gold Hill is meant to become a model of“pyrosilviculture” – an approach to forest management that focuses on fire’s essential role in the ecosystem. However grand this vision, it needs to start somewhere, and the RVPBA, ODF, and Fire District 5 worked with OSU Extension to take the first step with a 3-acre underburn. 

We were fortunate to operate under the leadership of ODF’s Prescribed FireProgram Manager, Amanda Rau. Amanda’s unparalleled experience as a burn boss in various ecosystems in Oregon brought new perspectives and training opportunities for participants of all levels of experience, from the highschoolers in the Student Watershed Assessment Team taking part in their first ever burn to Brian Bolstad, battalion chief at Fire District 5, who completed his Firing Boss task book. This is another small step in bringing back Good Fire and we are encouraged that within hours, the burn was occupied by a herd of happy deer rolling in the ash and munching on the crispy leaves!


Johnson Burn


Teutsch Burn