Clover / Parsons Burn

Fall burns can be challenging in the Rogue Valley because the weather goes from very hot and dry to wet in the blink of an eye. Still, we used a dry spell inNovember to do a 6-acre burn in the Applegate Valley, at Annette Parsons’ andJim Clover’s home. Rural Metro and Applegate Valley Fire District 9 contributed equipment and used the burn as a training opportunity. Some troubleshooting was needed before the burn as two engines had technical difficulties. Good thing we had two more! During this time, Mike from Rural Metro shared his experience with more novice burners. Our association thrives on this type of exchange and we are grateful for everything our participants contribute. This was our first burn using equipment from the shared tool cache established at ODF’s Medford headquarters. The burn was patchy due to the moisture below the canopy, but some areas burned well and participant sreceived a valuable experience and a hearty bowl of Annette and Jim’s chili!


Water Handling and Slip-on Unit Building Workshop


Jefferson Exchange Interview